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Take part in the Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) focus groups!

The European Commission is organising focus groups to understand how the service can be improved.

The 'Big Data Test Infrastructure' (BDTI) was created by the European Commission in 2019 and it is part of the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). With a planned overall budget of €7.5 billion, DEP aims to accelerate the economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of Europe’s society and economy, increasing the availability, quality and usability of public sector information in compliance with the requirement of the Open Data Directive.

The Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) is a test platform offered free of charge by the European Commission to European Public Administrations to experiment with data and open source technologies and services.  The infrastructure offers the opportunity to derive valuable insights from data and accelerate your transition towards data-driven decision making.    

This is an important opportunity for all European Public Administrations to get in touch with other Public Organisations involved and start experimenting with public sector information in a safe and cloud virtual environment, and thus move towards data-driven decision making.

To understand how the platform can be improved, the European Commission is organising focus groups for civil servants at all levels of government. The focus groups will take place online in the first half of November.

The goal of these focus groups is to explore how the BDTI could be made more useful for public administrations and identify the possible challenges in working with this platform.

Each session will last one hour and will be set up in a small group to enable the interaction of participants.

If you are a civil servant willing to share your opinions or experience regarding the BDTI, please fill out this registration form. Registering will take around 3 minutes.

For any questions, please write an e-mail to


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