What is next for Public Sector Information (PSI) in Europe? | data.europa.eu
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What is next for Public Sector Information (PSI) in Europe?

The PSI Alliance is hosting a roundtable to discuss business implications

The PSI Alliance seeks an improved regulatory environment for private sector PSI reusers across Europe. In light of the revision of the PSI directive, the PSI Alliance will be asking representatives of EU institutions "What Next for PSI in Europe?" The alliance has a clear vision how to improve the environment for PSI reuse by providing PSI

  • in suitable digital formats;
  • in an appropriate timeframe;
  • at marginal cost;
  • without unfair competition;
  • with proportionate privacy protection;
  • with the possibility for redress.

The PSI Alliance will be hosting a roundtable with speakers from the European Commission, Council of the EU (the Austrian Presidency) and the European Parliament to discuss and debate what the impact of the new measures will be for business. One focus will lie on dynamic data. The roundtable will take place at the Residence Palace in Brussels on 26 September 2018. For more information visit the PSI Alliance website.

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