Finding truth within statistics in Zurich |
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Finding truth within statistics in Zurich

Swiss statistics discusses data and emotion in decision making

On 25 and 26 August, Twist, the first statistics Hackdays in Switzerland, will take place at Zurich University. Developers, statisticians, designers, journalists, hackers and citizens of all backgrounds will work in teams with Open Data on the subjects: statistics and emotions, evidence based decision making and fake news.

The Twist hackdays are the pre-event of the Swiss Statistical Meeting 2018 in Zurich. Both events focus on the importance and status of evidence-based decision processes. Among others, the events target the question whether decisions too often are made on a purely emotional basis, neglecting statistical data and proven facts. Register for the Twist hackdays at Zurich University to participate at the event free of charge or visit the European Data Portal calendar to find more Open Data related events.

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