Future of Open Data Portals: data.gouv.fr | data.europa.eu
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Future of Open Data Portals: data.gouv.fr

Mathilde Hoang will discuss the French open data portal on Tuesday 15 December at 17:00 CET

Save the date and join the European Data Portal’s (EDP) next webinar in the Future of Open Data Portals series! On Tuesday 15 December at 17:00 CET, Mathilde Hoang will discuss the French Open Data Portal: data.gouv.fr.

Mathilde is the lead of open data at Etalab, the French taskforce on data policy. She collaborates with public administrations and local authorities to support them in producing high-quality data, publish it, and use it to promote data-driven policies. Mathilde holds a Master’s degree in Digital Economy from l’Ecole Télécom Paris Tech and Paris Dauphine University and has previously worked for the French postal operator as an economist. The main focus of her work is the topic of data as an essential element of infrastructure.

In the upcoming session, we will discuss her work at data.gouv.fr and the developments in terms of open data she witnessed, as well as her views on national data portals going forward. Join us the session on WebEx and learn more.

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