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A modern, flexible environment where students and employees can hone their analytical skills

TuvaLabs is designed to help children between kindergarten and grade 12 of secondary school develop their data analytical skills, improve their literacy in mathematics and statistics, and get an intuitive feel for data. Closely related is Tuva Data, which is similar in aim but is intended for training professionals in organisations. With datasets that are publicly available, students and employees can manipulate, dissect, and analyse data. Through an interface that allows users to create customised visualisations, Tuva encourages conceptual understanding of data and relationships between data points.

The platform combines expertise from research, technology, and pedagogy and offers a playful yet educational environment which is used in schools, companies, and public agencies across the world. Tuva obtains their raw data from government sites like Census.gov, Data.gov, and NYC Open Data, which offers collections of demographic, energy, and health data. The resulting datasets are centred around either culture, energy, or sports.

Data literacy is becoming an ever-more vital skill in our modern society and is best developed through learning-by-doing. However, currently this is not yet part of most traditional curricula, a situation for which Tuva offers an apt solution. 

TuvaLabs is one of over 700 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you come across an inspiring use case, please share it via mailTwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn and follow us for more open data related news.

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