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Primeri uporabe

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Stats Monitor

Orodje Stats Monitor je namenjeno novinarjem za lažje spremljanje in uporabo podatkov Eurostata na področjih, kot so migracije ali gospodarska rast. Orodje omogoča: uporabo grafikonov za prikaz numeričnih podatkov – lahko jih enostavno prilagodite vašim potrebam analizo novih podatkov za spremljanje trendov in odstopanj od teh trendov – za lažje odkrivanje vsebin, primernih za objavo v medijih prikaz najnovejših grafikonov in novic v vsakem trenutku Ena od prednosti orodja je pravočasnost informacij: naročite se na vire RSS, da boste lahko spremljali novosti. Poleg tega lahko tudi: izberete
  • Izobraževanje, kultura in šport


Ceres is the online catalogue of the Digital network of Collections of Spanish Museums available on
  • Transport


Dott is a transportation company that supplies e-steps, that can be rented and paid for by users with a mobile application.
  • Izobraževanje, kultura in šport

Open summer of codePDF

The Summer of Code is a 4-week summer program in July, that provides Belgian based students the training, network and support necessary to work on open innovation projects.
  • Transport


The e-scooter by Etergo can be purchased with an in-build app system with a live map to navigate routes.
  • Izobraževanje, kultura in šport

Pergamon Museum BerlinPDF

The Pergamonmuseum is home to three of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin’s most impressive collections. Due to a range of digital offers, the collections can be accessed online.
  • Transport

Get LevPDF

Get Lev makes light electric vehicles accessible to everyone who has joined the network. The vehicles are easy to park and use and protect from outside elements.
  • Transport

Go SharingPDF

Go Sharing is a transportation company that supplies e-scooters, that can be rented and paid for by users with a mobile application.
  • Kmetijstvo, ribištvo, gozdarstvo in prehrana


Hispatec focuses on three key aspects in agri-food management. Namely, pre-harvest solutions, post-harvest solutions as well as business intelligence such as models and analytics.
  • Vlada in javni sektor

Open State FoundationPDF

The Open State Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation stimulating accountability of the (Dutch) government through digital transparency.