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Primeri uporabe

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  • Regije in mesta


With the aim of improving attractiveness and safety of bike traffic in cities, betternotstealmybike developed two concepts - bike sense and bike buddy. The first one focuses on the identification and elimination of danger spots and the improvement of cycle paths, by collecting feedback and analysing cycling traffic data. The second one is a tracker that helps to collect movement data and additionally it is connected to an application and allows bike owners to track their bikes.

  • Izobraževanje, kultura in šport


At AflaMD information and ratings on educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova are published. This includes data, such as ratings, statistics, budgets, locations, and contact information. Additionally, questions can be submitted online and answers are provided by the ministry.

  • Energetika

Alternative Fueling Station LocatorPDF

Using the current location or entering a custom location, with Alternative Fueling Station Locator the customer can find the 20 closest fueling stations that offer electricity, natural gas, biodiesel, E85, propane, or hydrogen. Also, further information, such as availability, is provided.

finElink: pomoč pri financiranju projektov

Številna podjetja se potegujejo za sredstva EU za raziskave in inovacije. Podjetnikom pa ni vedno lahko najti financiranja, zlasti zato, ker so poleg sredstev EU na voljo tudi druga sredstva.

Quote Finder

Katere besede se najpogosteje uporabljajo v zadevah EU? Kaj objavljajo evropski poslanci na Twitterju? Quote Finder, aplikacija Evropske mreže za podatkovno novinarstvo odgovarja na takšna in podobna vprašanja ter daje vpogled v zadeve EU. Aplikacija omogoča iskanje in filtriranje tvitov poslancev Evropskega parlamenta ter pripravo besednih oblakov z najpogosteje uporabljenimi izrazi. Vsebino lahko filtrirate po: · ključnih besedah · ključnikih · politični usmeritvi · jeziku tvita Quote Finder vsebuje tudi funkcijo, ki omogoča pregledovanje besedil, ki so jih objavile institucije EU, denimo

SkinBliss: prepoznavanje sestavin v kozmetičnih izdelkih

Ste se kdaj spraševali, kaj je v kozmetičnih izdelkih? Želite vedeti, ali posamezna sestavina lahko škoduje vaši koži? Ali želite enostavno preveriti kozmetični izdelek? Potem je Skin Bliss prava aplikacija za vas. Aplikacija namreč analizira kozmetične sestavine v realnem času in zagotavlja uporabne informacije o posameznih sestavinah. Samo posnemite fotografijo izdelka! Aplikacija Bliss uporablja različne evropske podatkovne baze in zagotavlja znanstveno podprte informacije. Deluje povsod, saj omogoča prepoznavanje besedil in ne samo črtnih kod. Odslej se ne boste več spraševali, kaj je na
  • Prebivalstvo in družba


Euromaps visualizes life updates about a variety of sectors, such as societal, economic, and financial issues.

  • Izobraževanje, kultura in šport

Rijksmuseum MeesterwerkenPDF

Meesterwerken contains more than 111,000 descriptions of objects in the Rijksmuseum that can be filtered on type, age, origin, material and technique, and can be listed in order of relevance, period and the size of the object. In addition, it is also possible to search via a map of the Netherlands.

  • Health

Our FalkirkPDF

Our Falkirk is an open-source mapping tool that helps people to identify resources where children who receive free school meals during term time can get food during their school holidays. The map shows lunch clubs, food banks and advice centers across an area where nearly 7,000 households are experiencing in-work poverty and one in five children lives in poverty.

  • Prebivalstvo in družba


OnDijon wants to optimise and pool urban equipment to facilitate the management of public space, such as traffic lights, lighting and cameras. To do this, OnDijon asks citizens to report problems, manage requests or optimise movements in the metropolis from their smartphone.