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Declaration for the Future of the Internet – Public Open Data

Discover Public Open Data projects contributing to a faster and efficient online space and services


On 27 April, the European Union, the United States of America, and several international partners proposed a Declaration for the Future of the Internet. In this proposal, they set out a vision and principles of a trusted Internet and how to ensure that it is open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure whilst continuing to protect and respect human rights online and across the digital world.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom Programme contributes to this declaration and its vision by supporting several projects in various Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI) for a faster and more efficient online public space and cross-border services. DSIs are infrastructures that aim to enable the delivery of networked services electronically, usually over the internet, to provide trans-European interoperable services of common interest for citizens, businesses, and public institutions. One example of a DSI that contributes to this space is Public Open Data. The CEF programme supports several projects centred around open data, such as:

  • TRAFAIR – a project aiming to develop services that combine air quality, weather conditions, and traffic flows to estimate the level of pollution resulting from traffic conditions. The service has been deployed in six (6) European cities and has been published on local and national data portals, which are harvested by data.europa.eu.
  • SPOTTED – a project aiming to provide an innovative solution based on the integration and customised processing of open data collections, including Earth Observation data, to monitor and support decision makers in the field of green area management. The project integrates data provided by open data portals from public administrations, such as data.europa.eu and Copernicus, including real-time data captured by sensors.
  • GreenMov – a project aiming to create harmonised data models for green mobility and to advance the development of green mobility services, including traffic flow management, smart management of free-floating mobility.

Interested to learn about other projects that use open data? Read the European Health and Digital Executive Agency’s news release and the Declaration for the Future of Internet.

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