Google is focusing on accessibility of Open Data |
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Google is focusing on accessibility of Open Data

"Dataset Search" is Google's new pilot

Google launched a new type of search engine designed specifically around helping people find Open Data. Called "Dataset Search", the tool provides access to datasets across data repositories on the web. Like in the general search function, the algorithms that determine which information and sources are selected and prioritised stays unrevealed. However, markup requirements explain that the search engine is discovering datasets that use Dataset markup or equivalent structures represented in W3C's Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) format. On an experimental level, structured data based on W3C CSVW is found as well. More details on how Google facilitates discovery can be found in their blog.

Google entering the field of Open Data can be a promising step towards further awareness for Open Data and increased literacy. The EDP invites to follow up on Google's call for feedback. By opening the experience and knowledge of the existing and established Open Data community, we can support new players in the field. Share your feedback and ideas with the EDP via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn , and, if you wish, send it to Google.

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