Register now for the Masters of Digital 2022 event
Europe’s premier digital policy conference
Digital technologies were crucial to Europe's response to COVID-19 and will be for the recovery too. For the next decade, the EU has set to modernise businesses, upgrade infrastructure and offer training opportunities to citizens. This is a great opportunity for Europe to lead the way in regulating upcoming technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things.
At the Masters of Digital 2022 event - Europe’s premier digital policy conference - live debates will explore the role of AI in transforming the way we do business, and how we can use data to improve our lives. As our world becomes ever more digital and the climate is under pressure, we need to create ways to protect the digital world from cyber threats and trigger a green technological revolution. The Masters of Digital 2022 event will explore these challenges and show how we can work with our top international partners to find solutions that work across borders.
Among the speakers are Ursula von der Leyen (the European Commission’s president), Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age) and Mariya Gabriel (European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth).
Register now and join the event on 3 February, in Brussels or online!
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