Top 50 Smart City Governments |
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Top 50 Smart City Governments

EU metropolises succeed in the international top 50 Smart City Governments ranking

Smart city initiatives are gaining more and more recognition. Eden Strategy Institute and ONG&ONG (OXD) just published a ranking of the Top 50 Smart City Governments, selected from over 140 cities globally. Five EU member states are within the top 20 with London, Helsinki and Barcelona being in the top ten. Performance in ten categories contributed to the overall ranking. The categories are:

  1. Vision: A clear and well-defined strategy to develop a "smart city"
  2. Leadership: Dedicated City leadership that steers smart city projects
  3. Budget: Sufficient funding for smart city projects
  4. Financial Incentives: Grants, rebates, subsidies, competitions
  5. Support Programmes: Incubators, events, networks
  6. Talent Readiness: Programmes to equip the city's talent with smart skills
  7. People Centricity: People-first design of the future city Innovation
  8. Ecosystems: Range of engaged stakeholders to sustain innovation
  9. Smart Policies A conducive policy environment for smart city development
  10. Track Record: Experience in catalysing successful smart city initiatives

Beyond the ranking, this collection highlights the achievements of 50 leading governments that have steered their smart cities. Read the study and get inspired by the initiatives of the world's smartest cities. If you are interested how smaller cities engage in smart city solutions often following a bottom up approach read the article Open Data in Cities 2 on the European Data Portal.

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