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Text geometries

1 minute read

Geometric objects in detail

Next to point geometries, text geometries are important zero-dimensional geometries. In order to be displayed, text geometries require an aesthetic to be mapped to the text content of the geometry.

A scatter plot of cars with their engine displacement on the x axis, their horsepower on the y axis and their name plotted with a text geometry

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

All 3 implementations of the Grammar of Graphics have a text geometry. ggplot2 offers an alternative geometry called geom_label. It produces text with a coloured background.

Implementation Geometry name Required aesthetics Additional aesthetics
ggplot2 geom_text, geom_label x, y, label
Vega-Lite text x, y, text
Observable Plot text x, y, text

The same chart as above, but using ggplot2's geom_label instead of geom_text

An example of the ggplot2 geom_label geometry. Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

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