ECBstatsApp - Statistical application for tablets |
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ECBstatsApp - Statistical application for tablets

ECBstatsApp is an app that allows you to access and display the statistics that are compiled by the European Central Bank (ECB), assisted by the national central banks of the European Union. The main purpose of these statistics is to support the monetary policy of the ECB, as well as the other tasks of the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks, including tasks related to financial stability.
The app offers predefined data visualisations on topics such as key euro area indicators, exchange rates, prices, government finance, monetary aggregates and bank interest rates. It also has a data explorer for navigating through these and other data by economic category. The latest available statistics can be viewed and displayed in tables, charts and maps, saved in specific data selections, or exported and shared in various formats (such as .csv, .pdf and images).
The source of the data in the app is the ECB’s Statistical Data Warehouse, which includes data produced not only by the ECB but also by other international organisations (such as Eurostat and the International Monetary Fund).
The app is based on SDMX, an ISO standard (ISO 17369:2013) for the exchange of statistical information, which is sponsored by the Bank for International Settlements, the ECB, Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations and the World Bank.
The app is available free of charge for Android and iOS tablets.

Publication Date
European Central Bank (ECB)
Data Source
Statistical Data Warehouse of the ECB
Data visualisation
Downloadable graphics

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