Ingredio - detect hazardous ingredients in food & cosmetics! |
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Ingredio - detect hazardous ingredients in food & cosmetics!

13 000 unique chemicals are used as additives in cosmetics and food products. Unfortunately, many of them, though approved for human use, can have a significant impact on our health.
Would you like to check if the ones in your favourite products are safe? Then ask Ingredio.

Ingredio is a mobile app that tells you about potential hazards in food and cosmetics.
All you have to do is take a picture of the ingredients of a food or cosmetic product with a mobile phone. The app will convert the image into text and tell you whether any of the ingredients are hazardous or allergenic (according to the European Commission's CosIng database and other sources).

As long as the ingredients are listed in English, you can use this app anywhere, and with any product. A hexagon, ranging in colour from green to red, shows how safe the product is. You'll be able to see which ingredients are problematic, and why.

It's time to make more informed buying decisions! Why not check the products you have at home – and think about using Ingredio next time you do your shopping?

Released in February 2017, the app (available for Android) is still in its beta version, but it's already very useful and easy to use. 

Publication Date
Data Source
Cosmetic ingredient database (Cosing)
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Data visualisation
Application from EU / Third party
Third party
English (en)

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