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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Transport


Service to identify most efficient itinerary through Belgian railway stations.

  • Economy & Finance


Providing details on the process and materials of products.

Mapping Fishing Activities (MFA)

A new tool developed by the JRC provides for the first time detailed maps of high intensity fisheries areas in 2014-2015 in Europe. Thanks to tracking data of fishing vessels, it is possible to derive information about the fishing habits of coastal communities and to know, for example, the areas where they fish more frequently. This information is crucial to tailor policy and management strategies to boost blue growth, the EU strategy for a more profitable and sustainable exploitation of marine and maritime resources.

Mobility Statistics

Who goes where to obtain credits for their study programme in their home country? Dive into the trends of Erasmus+ and other credit point mobility. Compare how the trends have developed over the years. Find out who goes where for a full degree programme. Browse through the entire website and discover even more about international student mobility in higher education. The visuals contain all the latest available information and are updated as soon as new data become available.

  • Government & Public Sector

Centre for Budapest TransportPDF

Website of the BKK that makes transport data available in GTFS format for everyone to re-use

European Drought Observatory

The European Drought Observatory (EDO) provides drought-relevant information such as maps and graphs of indicators derived from various data sources (e.g., precipitation measurements, satellite measurements, and distributed hydrological models). A suite of tools allows for displaying and analysing the available information and irregularly published "Drought News" give an overview of the situation in case of imminent droughts. EDO provides both complex maps for specialists as well as high-level combined indicators targeted to decision makers. Based on EDO and similar systems for South and

Open Data Companion (ODC)

Open Data Companion (ODC) provides a unified access point to over 170 open data portals and thousands of datasets from around the world; right from your mobile device. Crafted with mobile-optimised features and design, this is an easy and convenient way to find, access and share open data. Open Data Companion provides a framework for all Private Sector, State, Regional, National and Worldwide open data portals to deliver open data to all mobile users. Use Open Data Companion to browse, share and download all datasets present on EU Open Data Portal right from your mobile device. To set up the

ECBstatsApp - Statistical application for tablets

ECBstatsApp is an app that allows you to access and display the statistics that are compiled by the European Central Bank (ECB), assisted by the national central banks of the European Union. The main purpose of these statistics is to support the monetary policy of the ECB, as well as the other tasks of the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks, including tasks related to financial stability. The app offers predefined data visualisations on topics such as key euro area indicators, exchange rates, prices, government finance, monetary aggregates and bank interest rates. It also has

  • Government & Public Sector


Website of CITA, the organisation responsible for traffic monitoring with real-time data and live streams.

  • Education, Culture & Sport


Mobile application that shows the main places of interest and events nearby in the city of Kaunas.