Happy holidays and warm greetings from us to you!
A recap of 2024 and stay tuned for more new things in 2025
As the year draws to a close, the data.europa.eu team extends our warmest holiday greetings to all our data providers and the data community. This year has been remarkable, filled with significant milestones and collaborative efforts that have furthered the open data movement across Europe. We are grateful for your continued support and engagement in 2024.
This year, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Open Data Maturity report, a testament to a decade of progress in open data initiatives across Europe. The report highlighted the progress made by various European countries in enhancing data accessibility and usability, fostering a more transparent and data-driven society. Additionally, the now available EU Sanctions Tracker provides a useful tool for monitoring the latest EU sanctions, showcasing the practical applications of open data in decision-making.
Our commitment to open data developments was displayed through the focus of High-value datasets (HVDs) on our portal through new studies and a new webinar. Also, with the newly added filtering feature on HVDs, users can easily select datasets that have significant benefits for society, the environment, and the economy. We are also looking forward to the next edition of our Open Data Days in 2025, with preparations well underway to make it even more impactful. Do not forget to register and join us in March 2025!
As we look ahead to 2025, we remain dedicated to advancing the open data landscape. With new webinars hosted by the data.europa academy and upcoming studies and data stories, we will be providing you with new content throughout the year. We wish you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year, filled with new opportunities and continued collaboration. Thank you for being part of our journey!
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