Institute Ferran Tallada wins the Barcelona Open Data challenge |
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Institute Ferran Tallada wins the Barcelona Open Data challenge

Barcelona promotes Open Data in educational centers

The awards of the Barcelona Open Data Challenge with more than 300 participants from among students, teachers and staff from multiple educational institutions announced the challenge's winner. The project presented by Institute Ferran Tallada, called Social cohesion goes through neighbourhoods, won the first price with their tool measuring and comparing the inequalities of the city districts, based on social cohesion indexes. The team explains that social cohesion implies that individuals who live in a territory recognise others as belonging to the same community. Perceived inequalities weaken social cohesion, hence the way of understanding social cohesion is measuring inequalities.

This event has been the closing act of the first edition of the educational project Barcelona Dades Obertes that aims to promote the knowledge and use of Open Data published at the Open Data BCN portal in the educational centres of Barcelona. Watch the video to find out more about the challenge and its winning team.

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