Sentinel Hub wins Copernicus Masters competition |
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Sentinel Hub wins Copernicus Masters competition

Distributing satellite data with the cloud

There are numerous Earth observation satellites continuously circling around our globe, for example the satellites of Europe's Copernicus programme called Sentinels. All of these satellites produce enormous amounts of data, which presents a big potential for scientific and commercial applications on the ground. In order to stimulate the development of ideas and applications using this data, the programme organises the annual Copernicus Masters to identify, support and accelerate the most promising ideas for applications using Earth observation data.

In this year's competition, the organisation received more than 900 ideas from over 70 countries. From all of these applications, the organisation has selected winners in seven topic-specific challenges ranging from a University Challenge to a Sustainable Living Challenge. Each of the winners in the respective challenges received varying cash prizes, consulting and data packages, and other benefits. Furthermore they have the opportunity to prepare their ideas for the marketplace at one of the 16 ESA Business Incubation Centres across Europe. The grand prize was awarded to the winner of the Open Telekom Cloud Challenge, Sentinel Hub. This company makes it possible to browse, process, and distribute large amounts of Satellite data quickly and efficiently - even for non-expert users by using Cloud services.

Want to know more about the Copernicus programme or who were the winners of the other challenges? Read more about it by following the link below.

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