Ukraine: Open Data could provide a €1.16 billion boost to the Ukrainian economy |
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Ukraine: Open Data could provide a €1.16 billion boost to the Ukrainian economy

The Kyiv School of Economics published Ukraine's first study on Open Data impact

Open Data contributed almost 600 million Euro to the Ukrainian economy last year, and the direct and indirect benefits could rise to over 1.16 billion Euro by 2025, according to the study by the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) in partnership with the London-based Open Data Institute. Additionally, the growing Open Data sector may create 2,000 new jobs in addition to the current workforce of 3,000-4,000 people, the research predicts.

For this future scenario to come true, the Ukrainian government has to continue publishing more datasets, and use the data to develop new digital products, fight corruption, and improve decision-making for businesses. At the presentation of the research findings, Richard Stirling from Open Data Institute added that Open Data should be published from high-impact sectors and under an open license that grants permission to access, reuse, and redistribute data. Read more about the impact of Open Data in Europe on the European Data Portal Creating value through Open Data.

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