What are your plans for the autumn holiday? | data.europa.eu
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What are your plans for the autumn holiday?

Open Data course for girls upcoming October

By analysing Open Data, there are treasures of information which can be found on a number of subjects. From how many children are born in 2015 with a name no other baby was given that year to where the most Instagram photos are made. When you have the right set of skills, these questions can be answered using freely available information. The German City of Moers is a strong advocate of releasing Open Data for citizens and businesses to go explore. To stimulate this, they not only provide Open Data through their portal but also by organising courses, for example by introducing people to Open Data.

During the upcoming school holiday in the city, Moers is organising a course for the younger generation which is specifically aimed at girls. During this course, participants will explore the Open Data of Moers to see how it can be used and which applications can be developed for citizens or the city. The course will not only explore the content of Open Data, it will also provide tools on how to use or explore the data. To do so, the participants will be introduced to the Open Source operating system Linux, learn first commands, first steps in Python programming language and make simple web pages with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The result of all these activities will be published on Github, encouraging others to further develop the work.

No previous experience is required for the workshop, nor is an extensive knowledge of maths. The course is aimed in particular at interested women and girls from the 10th grade, boys can also join but they must be accompanied by a girl. The course will be given by Patricia Ennenbach, a tech-journalist from WDR and Marie-Louise Timcke. Do you or your daughter want to explore Open Data or code? Read more about the course by following the link below.

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