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Data Visualisation Guide

Data to Viz

2 minutes read

Data visualisation galleries


The Data to Viz gallery contains some 40 chart types, which can be browsed as a simple grid list, or as a hierarchy based on the data types needed to construct the charts.

A browser window showing the Data to Viz homepage

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

A diagram on Data to Viz, showing a hierarchy of chart types

Source: data-to-viz.com

Unique to Data to Viz is that each chart type in the collections not only has a short description, but also a list with common mistakes associated with each chart type.

A screenshot of the page about boxplots on Data to Viz, with sections named About, Common Mistakes and Code

Source: data-to-viz.com

All the caveats are also collected on a dedicated page. But even more interesting is that Data to Viz is actually a portal to 3 mirror sites: each chart type has links to its sister page on

A screenshot of r-graph-gallery.com showing a density plot and the R code to generate it

R code snippet to generate a density plot. Source: r-graphs-gallery.com

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Data visualisation galleries