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Visualising networks

6 minutes read

Visualising hierarchies and networks

Many graphs are not hierarchies: the edges between the nodes go beyond strict parent-child relationships. For example, the edges can be (bi)directional: on Twitter you can follow someone, that person could follow you, or you could be mutual followers. The edges can be any arbitrary kind of relationship between nodes, and edges can have their own properties.

In those cases the graph is not a hierarchy, and the chart types discussed above are not valid anymore. So other techniques must be used.

The most basic representation of a graph is the matrix (also called adjacency matrix). In the matrix, all nodes in the graph are listed in both the columns and the rows, and the edges between each pair of nodes are represented at each crossing of a row and column, with a 1 for an edge and a 0 for no edge.

Consider this simple graph, with 6 nodes:

A network of 6 nodes, labelled with the letters A to F

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

The adjacency matrix of this graph looks like this:

Node A B C D E F
A 0 1 0 0 1 0
B 1 0 1 0 1 0
C 0 1 0 1 0 0
D 0 0 1 0 1 1
E 1 1 0 1 0 0
F 0 0 0 1 0 0

Because this graph is undirected (the edges have no direction), the matrix is symmetrical, and because there are no loops (nodes with an edge to themselves), the diagonal contains only zeroes.

When the edges have a numerical property, like the distance between nodes, the matrix becomes a distance matrix. Below is a distance matrix of driving distances between some European cities.

Distance (km) Amsterdam Antwerp Athens Barcelona Berlin Bern Brussels Calais Cologne
Amsterdam 0 160 3082 1639 649 875 209 385 280
Antwerp 160 0 2766 1465 723 704 46 211 237
Athens 3082 2766 0 3312 2552 2627 3021 2976 2562
Barcelona 1639 1465 3312 0 1899 913 1419 1399 1539
Berlin 649 723 2552 1899 0 986 782 936 575
Bern 875 704 2627 913 986 0 655 854 583
Brussels 209 46 3021 1419 782 655 0 212 219
Calais 385 211 2976 1399 936 854 212 0 431
Cologne 280 237 2562 1539 575 583 219 431 0

The numbers in a distance matrix can be used to size and/or colour shapes, which is sometimes called a matrix plot.

A matrix plot of distances between European cities

Source: made with RAWgraphs, Maarten Lambrechts CC BY SA 4.0

In the matrix plot above, the cities are sorted alphabetically. The way a matrix plot looks depends heavily on the sorting of the rows and columns. You can see that when comparing the matrix above with the one below, which is sorted according to the sums of the driving distances for every city.

A sorted matrix plot of distances between European cities

Source: made with RAWgraphs, Maarten Lambrechts CC BY SA 4.0

Another way of presenting a distance matrix (which can contain other numerical properties than physical distances between nodes), is an arc diagram. In an arc diagram the nodes are laid out next to each other, and the edges are represented as arcs of which the width is scaled according to the value of their numerical properties.

An arc diagram of distances between European cities

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

As you can see from the example above, arc diagrams do not scale very well for larger distance matrices: because there is a lot of overlap in the arcs, the diagrams become busy with only a limited amount of nodes.

Arc diagrams work better for graphs in which the number of nodes are limited. If we go back to the simple graph from the beginning of this section, we can turn it into an arc diagram too.

A 6 node network, with the nodes labelled with the letters A to F

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

An arc diagram of the same A to F network

Source: Maarten Lambrechts, CC BY SA 4.0

When the nodes are not arranged next to or above each other, another method to arrange the nodes in the graph must be used. A popular way to do this is to use a simulation of forces attracting and repulsing the nodes in the graph. In the simulation, all nodes are pushed away from each other, but the edges between nodes hold the connected nodes together.

The initial position of the nodes in the simulation does not matter much, and the simulation runs until an equilibrium between the attracting and repulsing forces is reached. Embedded below is an example of a force directed graph. To see the simulation in action, click and drag one of the nodes in the graph. You will notice that the graph reaches a new equilibrium quickly.

Below is a more complex force directed graph. It shows how 300 popular recipe ingredients are used together in a collection of 178.000 recipes. You can pan and zoom the graph, and hover each ingredient to get more details.

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