Can Open Data bridge the need of an ageing population? |
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European data
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Can Open Data bridge the need of an ageing population?

City of Leeds experiments with a citizen and data-driven healthcare programme

Throughout Europe the population is ageing, creating the need to adapt healthcare policies to fit a growing demand for healthcare within confined budgets. The Smart City project of the City of Leeds wants to use Open Data to make its healthcare programme future proof.

By using digital innovation and an Open Data based strategy it aims to bridge the £600 million gap in budgets to meet the demands of an ageing population. The project has a strong focus on using Open Data to see how the city operates, to define the needs of the community and to encourage the development of innovative solutions. Thanks to this approach, the community itself is the driving force behind these new policy developments. With the Leeds Data Mill, the Open Data portal of Leeds, this project brings together various institutions around Open data to work towards a common goal.

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