Open Data Impact - Vol. 2 "Driving Open Transport Data" |
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Open Data Impact - Vol. 2 "Driving Open Transport Data"

The Open Data Impact Series past their second milestone 22 March in Dublin

The Open Data Impact Series promotes awareness and use of Open Data in different sectors in Ireland. It supports the publication of high-quality Open Data. The first session in the series focused on the availability of Open Data in Ireland and demonstrated the huge potential that Open Data represents for the economy. The second session "Driving Open Transport Data" portrayed Open Data as a resource for new or improved applications, services, and products in the transportation sector.

As a high impact area, transportation is one of the sectors with the greatest uptake of Open Data. Open Data can provide additional context for decision-making and innovating. From timetables and routes, roads and infrastructure, to footfall and traffic volumes, there is a wealth of information captured in the transport domain. In this second session of the Open Data Impact Series, publishers and users of open transport data looked at how the data is being adopted and used, what challenges users face, and what other transport data could potentially be made available. Find out more about Open Data in Ireland on their national Open Data Portal.

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