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The official portal for European data

Newsletter - December 2023

Newsletter - December 2023
The official portal for European Data

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Panel discussion series: the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence in processing and generating new data

Embark on an AI journey with our upcoming data.europa academy webinar series. Gain insights into the legal status of AI-generated work, the impact of the EU's AI Act and conquer data protection challenges linked to AI. Registration links will soon be available on's events section.

Registration Stay tuned
Dive into Open Data Maturity: insights from the 2023 report

Explore the dynamic landscape of open data with the 2023 Open Data Maturity report carried out by! Discover trends across 35 European countries and focused on four dimensions - policy, impact, portal, and quality. Deepen your understanding of the latest developments, challenges and tailored recommendations.

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Explore data spaces with our newly published report

Data spaces might seem complex, but did you know that they can be explained using picnic tables? Our report uses practical examples to explain data space concepts and discusses the data ecosystem and its benefits. For further insights, check out our data.europa academy lesson dedicated to data spaces.

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High Value Datasets: challenges and best practices

Curious about the challenges in identifying and standardising high-value datasets (HVDs)? Read our report on HVDs, providing recommendations on standards and best practices while using examples from three different categories of HVD. Discover more about HVDs in other publications.

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Uncover open data in our latest podcast episodes

The Open Data Cafe podcast was officially launched in November, inviting you to explore the world of open data. Discover our episodes covering topics from the basics of open data to shedding light on specific issues within the open data sphere. Tune in to our podcast to learn more!

Listen here
Happy holidays from the team!

As we gear up for 2024, we would like to express our gratitude to our data providers and community of data enthusiasts for their support during our 2023 activities. We hope you enjoy the holiday season and stay tuned for more European data and the many exciting initiatives coming in 2024!


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The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Please read the privacy statement.

ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-23-010-EN-Q