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Newsletter - February 2024

Newsletter - February 2024
The official portal for European Data

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Webinar 'New business models for data-driven services'

How can open data from the public sector be re-used? What are the best business models for services that are based on public data? Join this interactive session to learn about opportunities for value creation using open data, drawing insights from our paper and your input. Answer the survey and be part of the discussion on 1 March from 10.00 to 11.00 CET

Date 01/03/2024
Registration Register here
Webinar 'Discover sneak peek at the official portal for European data'

Open Data Day (ODD) is a global annual celebration of open data organised by the Open Knowledge Network. This year, we commemorate this special day by hosting an event on 8 March from 10:00 to 11:00 CET. We invite you to explore the basics of open data, learn how to use, and more. This event is one of more than 130 ODD events hosted globally from 2 to 8 March. 

Date 08/03/2024
Registration Register here
Webinar 'Data spaces: experiences from the European Green Deal'

Are you interested in learning about the European Green Deal Data Space, its progress, and how it contributes to shaping the European data economy? Then mark your calendar for the fourth data.europa academy webinar on data spaces, taking place on 15 March from 10.00 to 11.30 CET. 

Date 15/03/2024
Registration Register here
Webinar 'Data sovereignty & data governance: how can data holders stay in control?'

Curious to learn more about data sovereignity, the Data Governance Act, and the role of data-sharing intermediaries? Register now and join us on 22 March from 10.00 to 11.30 CET for the first of the two data.europa academy sessions on this topic. Do not miss out on this insightful discussion about navigating data governance in Europe!

Date 22/03/2024
Registration Register here
Understanding family spending through data analysis

Explore the complexities of family spending across the EU with our data story, revealing trends and disparities in household budgets. Learn how open data can unveil the influence of socioeconomic factors on spending for necessities and luxuries. Gain a comprehensive understanding of economic dynamics through detailed analysis. 

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Mapping the marketplace: Insights into EU trade

Learn how the EU's trade policy is driving economic transformation towards sustainability. This data story unveils the complex trade flows within the EU, highlighting the role of high-value trade data in shaping policies, identifying trends, and understanding market dynamics. 

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Open data maturity in Europe in 2023

Uncover the progress in open data across Europe with the latest data story on the 2023 Open Data Maturity (ODM) assessment. With 35 countries participating, the average maturity score has risen to 79%, showcasing improvements in policy, impact, portal, and quality. Read more here and watch the recap of our data.europa academy webinar to learn about key trends and achievements in open data. 

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Open data's growing role: Insights from the OECD 2023 OURdata Index

The OECD's 2023 OURdata Index shows how 40 countries use open data for innovation, democratic engagement, and policymaking. With insights on data availability, accessibility, and government support, the report highlights successes, and areas for growth. Read our news piece for further details. 

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40 years of research and innovation: The journey of EU Framework Programmes

Celebrating 40 years, the EU's horizon Europe supports research, combining science with societal benefits. Read more about this milestone in our news piece and join the dialogue at the European Research and Innovation Days 2024

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Celebrating women in science: Breaking barriers for a sustainable future

On 11 February, we marked International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year's theme shines a light on their contributions to global issues like health and climate change. Women make up only 33% of researchers, highlighting the need for a balanced gender dynamic to drive sustainable development. Explore our news piece and our datasets for more insights. 

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ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-24-002-EN-Q