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Newsletter - August 2023

Newsletter - August 2023
The official portal for European Data

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Webinar ‘Geospatial trends 2023: Opportunities for’

Geospatial data looks at the 'where' of a phenomenon, providing unique insights. Which current trends, standards or ideas related to geospatial data could improve access and understanding of open data? Join the webinar taking place on 8 September 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET and delve into the world of geospatial data opportunities. 

Date 08/09/2023
Registration Register here
Webinar ‘Data spaces: Experiences from strategic data spaces’

Join the second webinar in a series dedicated to data spaces, taking place on 15 September 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET. This session will explore the similarities and differences among common EU data spaces and will include representatives from various strategic fields to highlight the societal benefits.

Date 15/09/2023
Registration Register here
Webinar ‘Open Data Maturity Report 2022: Diving deeper into the policy dimension’

The Open Data Maturity Report 2022 assesses the progress made by EU Member States in implementing open data policies and initiatives. It covers various dimensions of open data such as policy, impact, quality and portal. Join the webinar taking place on 29 September 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET to explore national approaches, best practices and challenges related to the policy dimension.

Date 29/09/2023
Registration Register here
How the EU supports the public sector in overcoming data challenges

Open-source tools can be often complex to set up and costly to operate. Discover how the European Commission's Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) provides public administrations with a set of mainstream open-source tools for data storage, processing and analytics in our recent data story.

Improving data publishing by open data portal managers and owners

Publishing high-quality data in a simple manner is essential for open data to create added value. The report titled 'Improving data publishing by open data portal managers and owners' focuses on how data portal managers and owners can use and distribute open data when publishing it.

Read the report and Citizen-generated Data

The second and final report about citizen-generated data (CGD) and open governmental data portals (OGDPs) delves into the specific challenges and opportunities from the perspective of CGD stakeholders.

Read the report
Supporting the green transition

Young people are essential for our democracy, and their engagement is essential to shape our future. You can learn more about young people in Europe by reading our data story on youth engagement. One of the most important topics for them are climate change and protecting our environment, and open data can be your ally when trying to find out how we are moving towards a carbon neutral society. Read our data story on green house emissions for more.

Our summer reading list

Whether you are travelling the world or enjoying the comforts of home, the last days of summer provide the perfect opportunity to finally finish that book and explore new stories. We have compiled a list of eight insightful reads to help you delve into topics like open data, analytics, AI and more!


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