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The official portal for European data newsletter - December 2022

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Redesign and new features for has a new design to make the portal more easily accessible and user-friendly. The homepage has been restructured, displaying an overview of the main content and a calendar of the upcoming open data events. Datasets are presented in a tabular format and with a preview function. Extensive documentation, both for data reusers and data publishers, has been added. In compliance with the FAIR principles, the metadata quality dashboards provide visual feedback on the metadata of catalogues, datasets and their distributions.

Find out more on these and future features of by reading our related news piece.

Open data maturity 2022

The eight annual report measuring the level of open data maturity across Europe is online.

The ‘Open Data Maturity 2022’ records the progress achieved by 35 European countries as they push towards data openness on four dimensions: policy, impact, quality and portal.

  • The maturity of countries participating in the report are concentrated on the higher end of the spectrum (above 65%), with seven countries in the trend-setter cluster scoring above 91%.
  • The 2022 report identifies a good level of preparedness of EU Member States with respect to the upcoming implementing regulation on datasets that have a high potential for economic and societal impact (the so-called high-value datasets.
  • Similar to 2021 and 2020, policy is the most mature dimension with a score of 86%.

Discover further insights of the report, the countries’ factsheets, and the dashboard visualising the maturity scores on the dedicated page.

For more details, visit the and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for related content.

Finals of EU Datathon 2022

The 6th edition of EU Datathon, the EU’s open data competition, came to a close on 20 October 2022. The finals took place in Brussels as part of the European Year of Youth and were streamed online to a world-wide audience.
Some of the ambitions put forward by the 12 finalist teams of this year’s EU Datathon include empowering young people in the job market, reducing greenhouse emissions, and bringing European cultural heritage closer to citizens. Prior to the finals, the finalists had the opportunity to present their ideas for apps built on EU open data in a series of videos while, on the final day, they pitched their polished apps to the jury of 14 open data experts and the online audience.
Discover who won this year’s EU Datathon and find out more about the competition on the event website.

Geospatial data

One important feature of is to facilitate the discovery and access to open geospatial data sources. In this context, data.europa academy organised two webinars.
The first, ‘Trends in geospatial data’  was held on 27 October 2022 and focused on emerging trends in the geospatial community that are most relevant to A report on the topic has also been published.
The second webinar, ‘Geospatial harvesting on’ was organised on 29 November 2022. During the event, the speakers introduced the geospatial data available on, their source of origin and the geo-harvesting process.
If you missed the webinars, you can watch all recordings and consult speakers´ slides on data.europa academy. For more upcoming events, visit our events calendar or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Use case observatory

Following the webinar on the topic organised on 7 October 2022, the first report of the case observatory has been published.
The use case observatory is a research project that follows 30 reuse cases over the course of 3 years – from 2022 to 2025 – to assess how impact is created with open data, to share challenges and achievements of open data reuse cases and to contribute to the debate on open data impact assessment methodology. This report is the first of three volumes. The second and the third report will be published in 2024 and 2025.
Interested to learn more about the insights of the first report? Watch the recording of the dedicated webinar and discover the related material on data.europa academy.

Data stories on linked open data

As a set of design principles for publishing structured machine-readable data, linked open data (LOD) is key to connect data sources and create meaningful networks of information. Free to use and distribute, LOD makes data accessible and available in a standardised format and allows to create innovative projects. In our data story series, we EU projects that rely on LOD, focusing on what data they link, why they decided to use LOD, and which benefits are involved.
Find below all data stories of the series and stay tuned for the next ones to come in 2023!

Data.europa academy and data providers

Data.europa academy launched an extensive training programme for data providers in September. The goal is to present the services available to them on and help data providers to improve data publishing and move towards technical and legal openness. Watch the recorded session and read the related news pieces. Also note that the coming year will start with a fourth webinar for data providers ‘From theory to action: automatic data publishing’ on 20 January 2023: Register here!

We are also working on the webinar offer for 2023 with many new webinars and courses. Until then, we wish you happy holidays and looking forward to see you next year at our events!

See also