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Oficialus Europos duomenų portalas newsletter - July 2022

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EU solidarity with Ukraine

In June 2022, the team launched an initiative to help users find datasets and articles related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its side effects. This includes data on people fleeing Ukraine, sanctions applied to Russia and traffic information at borders with Ukraine, humanitarian aid, etc.

The articles cover data stories and news’ pieces showcasing different aspects including dashboards such as live maps, refugee flows from Ukraine and open-source intelligence.

Blog post on how open data helps Ukraine during the invasion

Data is a powerful tool in a conflict. In this blog article Ukrainian data experts explain how open data helps Ukraine during the invasion. They describe recently developed tools and portals, such as the portal ‘War and Sanctions’, which collects information about individuals and legal entities subject to sanctions. Also, a tool called Ruassets helps track which international and Ukrainian companies have hidden connections with Russian and Belarusian assets, individuals or businesses.

Learn more about their arguments on the value of open data for Ukraine in this period.

EU Datathon 2022: the finalist teams for each challenge will be announced soon!

The 2022 edition of EU Datathon, hosted by the Publications Office of the European Union, is a chance for open data enthusiasts and application developers from around the world to demonstrate the potential of open data. From the 156 app ideas submitted by 121 teams, 24 teams have been pre-selected to compete in the four thematic challenges:

  • Challenge 1: ‘The European Green Deal’  
  • Challenge 2: ‘Transparency in public procurement’ 
  • Challenge 3: ‘EU public procurement opportunities for young people’ 
  • Challenge 4: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’  

On 15 July, the jury will announce 12 finalist teams, who will then work to develop fully functioning applications. They will compete for their share of the €200,000 prize fund and for the Public Choice Award in the competition finals on 20 October 2022.

Stay tuned via the news section on for more details or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook

Blog post on ‘Why open data re-use in the public sector matters’

The data.europa academy hosted a webinar on ‘Data demand and re-use in the public sector’. It built on’s discussion paper ‘Measuring data demand within the public sector’ and is followed up by a series of blog posts.

The first one, ‘Why open data re-use in the public sector matters’, summarises the highlights from the webinar and explores how to ensure a better data availability and support for those public servants who wish to innovate public services.

The authors argue that government-to-government open data re-use can only advance when data providers share knowledge and collaborate. To that end, we invite you to share your answers to below questions:

  1. What is your organisation’s profile?
  2. How does your organisation reach out to public servants to re-use your open data and know what their needs are?
  3. What indicators, if any, does your organisation have in place to measure open data demand?
  4. How does your organisation re-use open data?
  5. How do other public institutions re-use the open data produced by your organisation?

Stay tuned for more blog posts on the topic via the dedicated data.europa academy page.

Summer is coming: enjoy your summer break and meet us back in September for new data.europa academy sessions

During the summer, there will be fewer events, but you can use this period to brush up your open data skills by looking into the materials available on the data.europa academy. These range from recordings, presentations and reports on topics like data discoverability, data and metadata quality, data demand and citizen-generated data.

The team will happily invite you for the upcoming academy sessions after summer.

Keep track of upcoming events in the events calendar or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. For more courses on open data-related topics discover the data.europa academy.

See also