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Data Visualisation Guide

Coming full circle and cliffhangers

1 minute read

Journalistic techniques

Coming full circle is another storytelling technique that you can use in data driven stories. For example, Why Budapest, Warsaw, and Lithuania split themselves in two shows a map of the regions of Hungary in the beginning of the article, which are shown again at the end.

2 maps of Hungary showing how the region around Budapest was split in two

Source: Why Budapest, Warsaw, and Lithuania split themselves in two, pudding.cool

The same maps, but now with the regions coloured by their GDP per capita

Source: Why Budapest, Warsaw, and Lithuania split themselves in two, pudding.cool

The text and visualisations in between the maps explain the why of what is shown on them. But I am not revealing what that is here, because I want to create a cliffhanger to trigger your curiosity and make you click through to the original article 😉

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